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Monday, March 17, 2014

Cupid and Psyche

This book is a great way to start your kids off on the greek myths. The artwork inside is eye catching and lovely and the story is timeless.

Psyche is a mortal woman of extraordinary beauty because of this men and people flock to her parents home thinking her Aphrodite in human form. This of course angers the true goddess of beauty and she sends her son Cupid to avenge her.

Wanting her son to make innocent Psyche to fall in love with the worst monster imaginable, but when cupid arrived to do the deed he pricks himself and upon looking at psyche falls victim to his own arrow. Marrying her secretly so as to avoid his mother's wrath, cupid never reveals who he is to his sweet bride.

But Psyche going on bad advice from her conniving jealous sisters, tries to sneak a peek at cupid and inadverdantly burns him with wax. Cupid feeling betrayed leaves her and Psyche goes on to search for him.

Well I won't spoil the rest of the book you'll have to get it to find out the end!

Cupid and Psyche

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