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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Psyche & Eros: The Lady and the Monster

In ancient Greece, a princess rises to a challenge: Psyche lives in the comfort of her parents' wealthy kingdom. But when her beauty draws the jealous anger of the powerful goddess Aphrodite, Psyche finds herself in great danger. She is taken away to an isolated mountain to marry a monster. Will Psyche find love after all with her mysterious new husband? Or will she fall prey to Aphrodite's revenge?

The Classic Greek Myth Psyche and Cupid retold!
The artwork in this book is absolutely Gorgeous! If you love the greek myths  or i love graphic novels, even if you just like great art this is a book for you!

The tale of Psyche is a good one. Psyche is the youngest of three daughters born to a king and queen, and more beautiful then her sisters put together. Because of this the Greek people believe she is Aphrodite in human form and abandon the goddess's temples to worship psyche instead. Angered the goddess of love sends her mischievous son, Eros/Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with the most hideous monster in the world. always eager to cause mischief,  Eros flies down to earth and sneaks to Psyche's window as she sleeps. Upon seeing her he is taken aback by her innocence and beauty and accidentally pricks himself on one of his famous arrows and instantly falls in love with her. the moment he pricks himself she awakens and seems to stare right at him. he invisible flees and psyche's parents took her to an oracle to ask if their precious daughter would ever marry. Only to be told their daughter would wed a monster even the gods themselves fear.

to know the rest of her story buy the book! you won't regret it!

Psyche & Eros: The Lady and the Monster

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